Week 6 Reflection

Question 1: Describe the project you just finished

What you made
1st Picture: 6 different examples of printmaking (#1 is Styrofoam engraving, #2 is monoprint, #3 is found object, #4 is a stencil, #5 is collagraph, and #6 is plasticine)
2nd Picture: 3 different prints of printing making

What materials you used (the medium)
-Tempera Paint (blue and yellow)
-Found Item
-Small Piece of Paper
-Card Stock
-Foam Paper
-Paint Brushes
-Plastic Sheet
-Construction Paper

How you made it
1st Picture:
-Styrofoam engraving: used the back of a paintbrush to make separate lines, I then painted the styrofoam blue, and finally, I pressed the styrofoam down onto a white sheet of paper
-Monoprint: I painted a plastic sheet blue, then I used a piece of styrofoam plate to create 3 different lines, and finally, I pressed the plastic sheet down onto a white sheet of paper
-Found object: I painted the end piece of a light bulb blue, and finally, I pressed the light bulb piece down onto a white sheet of paper
-Stencil: I first cut out a heart shape using a green piece of construction paper, I used the outside piece of the paper (the negative) to create my shape on my white piece of paper, I used a yellow paintbrush to paint the inside of the shape
-Collagraph: I cut out the shape of a heart, I stuck the negative shape onto one side of card stock and I stuck the positive shape on the other side of the card stock
-Plasticine: I first flatted the bottom of a piece of plasticine, I then used the back of a paintbrush to make a smiley face shape, I painted the smiley face yellow and then and finally, I pressed the flat bottom of the plasticine down onto a white sheet of paper
2nd Picture: I used 3 techniques for this piece of work. For the first technique, I used the back of a paintbrush to make lines on a piece of styrofoam and used the end of the paintbrush to make circles in between the lines. After I painted the styrofoam blue and pressed the painted side onto the large sheet of paper, I repeated this 6 times. For the next technique, I cut out the shape of a heart using construction paper, using the negative shape (the remains) I painted the inside of the shape around my paper with yellow paint. For my third technique, I used my original piece of plasticine with the smiley face, painted the bottom with yellow and pressed the flat end down around the page.  

Picture 1

Picture 2

Question 2: Describe one new thing you learned through making this project, or looking at and discussing the project from various cultures.
This concept was new to me, I had never done printmaking before. I think this is an interesting concept because it is very easy to incorporate objects/ designs from a variety of cultures. Students can be introduced to items from different cultures and transfer the item into printmaking.

Question 3: Describe how you have communicated a specific idea through making this project.
Through this project, I communicated the idea of contrast. The idea of contrast was communicated through the complimentary colours I chose to use, blue and yellow are create a nice contrast against each other. As well, I communicated the idea of contrast through the different shapes I created.

Question 4: Describe what you enjoyed the most about this project and the least.
I enjoyed using a variety of materials to create a print. I liked being able to make my own designs with the styrofoam and plastic sheet; then transferring them to a blank sheet of white paper. I liked all of the print ideas except for the collagraph as I struggled to create a visual using the positive and negative shape.

Question 5: If you were to do this project again, what might you change to make it more successful?
If I were to do this task again or with my class I would offer my students a larger variety of paint colours to provide them with more of a choice when deisgning their print.
