Question 1: Describe the project you just finsihed
What I made
I was aiming to make one half of my face Picasso and the other half of my face VanGogh, however after my final piece was complete I had a bit of Mondrian idea mixed into my VanGogh idea.
What it is about
The left side of the face represents Picasso's art, while the right side of the face was supposed to represent VanGogh. However, after speaking with my professor we concluded that the bottom half of the face represents Mondrian work of art and the top half of the face and hair represent VanGogh's work.
What materials I used
-Acrylic Crayons
-White Printer Paper
-Black Construction Board
How I made it
I made the left side of the face using acrylic paints, I chose to use the colours blue, green, brown and purple as Picasso's art most often featured cool colours. After drawing and colouring the face I cut up the pieces so that each piece had a sharp edge and then rearranged them onto a separate piece of large black paper. I made the right side of the face using warm colours as VanGogh often did such as yellow, orange, red and pink. For the top half of the face I used small, saturated lines as VanGogh did to create his compositions. The bottom of my face looks to be more like Mondrian art as it is made up of coloured in blocks.
What art we looked at
Before completing our own art we looked at pieces created by Picasso, Mondrian and VanGogh. Specifically, we looked at Mondrian's composition in red, blue and yellow; one of Picasso's peices of a man's face; and VanGogh's The Starry Night.

I was aiming to make one half of my face Picasso and the other half of my face VanGogh, however after my final piece was complete I had a bit of Mondrian idea mixed into my VanGogh idea.
What it is about
The left side of the face represents Picasso's art, while the right side of the face was supposed to represent VanGogh. However, after speaking with my professor we concluded that the bottom half of the face represents Mondrian work of art and the top half of the face and hair represent VanGogh's work.
-Acrylic Crayons
-White Printer Paper
-Black Construction Board
How I made it
I made the left side of the face using acrylic paints, I chose to use the colours blue, green, brown and purple as Picasso's art most often featured cool colours. After drawing and colouring the face I cut up the pieces so that each piece had a sharp edge and then rearranged them onto a separate piece of large black paper. I made the right side of the face using warm colours as VanGogh often did such as yellow, orange, red and pink. For the top half of the face I used small, saturated lines as VanGogh did to create his compositions. The bottom of my face looks to be more like Mondrian art as it is made up of coloured in blocks.
What art we looked at
Before completing our own art we looked at pieces created by Picasso, Mondrian and VanGogh. Specifically, we looked at Mondrian's composition in red, blue and yellow; one of Picasso's peices of a man's face; and VanGogh's The Starry Night.
Question 2: Describe one new thing you learned through making this project, or looking at and discussing the project from various cultures.
I learned about the specific characteristics that each artist used in their work. I personally do not know much about artists, of course I have heard about each of the artists we dicussed in class and I have seen some of their work but I was not aware that each of them had their own sighnature. VanGogh uses small, saturated lines of colour, Picasso cut up and rearranged the parts of his work, and Mondrian made his art using straight lines often coloured in using the primary colours.
Question 3: Describe how you have communicated a specific idea through making this project.
Through this picture I communicated the idea of colours and lines. The left side of the face communicates the idea of Picasso's art through the use of cool colours and cutting up of the image. I communicated the idea of VanGogh's art on the right side of the face through the use of warm colours and small saturated lines.
Question 4: Describe what you enjoyed the most about this project and the least.
I enjoyed the challenge of trying to incorporate two different artists into one painting. As well, at first I was a bit skeptical of using the acrylic paints as I found it difficult to colour with but after completing my practice face I began to get the hang out it and really emjoyed how smoothly they coloured. I did however find it challenging to create a piece that has similiar characteristics to another artists work without fully copying their ideas.
Question 5: If you were to do this project again, what might you change to make it more successful?
If I were to do this project again I would change a few things, first I would change how I cut up the left side of my face because it is very hard to tell that it is supposed to be a face as I did not emphasize where the eyes, mouth or nose was rearranged to. I would also change the colours of the left side of the face and use less brown as brown is more of a warm colour then a cool colour. Finally, if I were to do the right side of the face over again I would have stuck to only doing small lines across the entire side of the face rather then doing half of the right side lines and the other half blocks of colour.
If I were to do this project again I would change a few things, first I would change how I cut up the left side of my face because it is very hard to tell that it is supposed to be a face as I did not emphasize where the eyes, mouth or nose was rearranged to. I would also change the colours of the left side of the face and use less brown as brown is more of a warm colour then a cool colour. Finally, if I were to do the right side of the face over again I would have stuck to only doing small lines across the entire side of the face rather then doing half of the right side lines and the other half blocks of colour.
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